our Company
Top 10 enterprises of self drilling screws in China.
Handan Shuangzi Metal Products Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of drilling screw and tapping screw enterprises. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the production and R&D of drilling screw, which has built a modern, high standard, scale, variety of professional production line of drill tail screw. All used equipment are imported from Germany, Japan and Taiwan, with an annual output of high quality, multi-variety drill tail screw .The employed the top domestic technologist, in hexagon-shaping、clipping、thread-rolling、carburize、zinc plated、washer machine、package and other processes, every link strives for perfection and the best.
Our advantages
We have our own factory, so we can offer the best price and guarantee the best quality !

our Qalabka
Qalabka shirkadda qaali ah sare-soo-saarka iyo technology fiican ka Germany, Japan iyo Taiwan. Production waafaqsan adag heerarka caalamiga ah, waayo, wax soo saarka ee qiimaha sare, alaabta oo tayo sare leh si ay u jiifay ka wanaagsan foundation.
our Fikradaha
In nidaamka qalliinka, waxaan mar walba ku riday baahida macaamiisha iyo faa'iidooyinka ugu horeysay, "wax soo saarka oo tayo sare leh 'tayo dhisan, ka hawlgala iimaanka wanaagsan ujeeddo' ', oo soo saari la isgaarsiinta humanized. Waxyaabaha Our sidoo iibiso woqooyi iyo koonfur ee Shiinaha, Hindiya dhoofiyo, Russia, Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan iyo Filibiin iwm badan daraasiin dalalka iyo gobollada.
Waxaan diyaar u ah inay si daacad ah iskaashi la indheer warshadaha in la abuuro mustaqbal cajiib yihiin.
Daacadnimo soo dhaweyn macaamiisha iyo khubaro booqo Shirkadda isgaarsiinta iyo Hanuun!