Company kami
Top 10 enterprises of self drilling screws in China.
Handan Shuangzi Metal Products Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer of drilling screw and tapping screw enterprises. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on the production and R&D of drilling screw, which has built a modern, high standard, scale, variety of professional production line of drill tail screw. All used equipment are imported from Germany, Japan and Taiwan, with an annual output of high quality, multi-variety drill tail screw .The employed the top domestic technologist, in hexagon-shaping、clipping、thread-rolling、carburize、zinc plated、washer machine、package and other processes, every link strives for perfection and the best.
Our advantages
We have our own factory, so we can offer the best price and guarantee the best quality !
Equipment kami
Perusahaan ongkosna mahal canggih alat produksi jeung téhnologi exquisite ti Jerman, Jepang jeung Taiwan. Produksi luyu ketat ku standar internasional, pikeun ngahasilkeun tinggi-nilai, produk-kualitas luhur iklas a hadé foundation.
Konsep urang
Dina prosés operasi, urang salawasna nempatkeun kaperluan customer jeung kauntungan munggaran, '' kualitas-berorientasi, operasi di iman alus pikeun kaperluan '', sarta ngahasilkeun produk kualitas luhur kalawan komunikasi humanized. Produk urang ngajual ogé kalér jeung kidul di Cina, diekspor ka Indonesia, Rusia, Kanada, Australia, Kazakhstan jeung Filipina jsb leuwih puluhan nagara jeung wewengkon.
Kami daék cooperate tulus kalawan elites industri pikeun nyieun hareup cemerlang.
Tulus ngabagéakeun para nasabah sarta ahli didatangan parusahaan urang pikeun komunikasi jeung hidayah!